Add a new title by opening the Filter dropdown on the Titles tab of the Navigator and clicking on the Add New button.

This will open the Titles form to a new blank record.

A prompt will popup reminding you to add a volume number to the title name.

Fill out information on the Title Data tab first.

Format: this is the type of book it is, either Limited Series, One-Shot, Annual, Graphic Novel, or Ongoing (Ongoing does not necessarily mean a current book, but one that had no definitive ending point at the beginning of publication).

Issue Total: the total number of published issues. If the title is currently active, leave this blank. Use sources like comics.org to determine number of issues.

Start Date: using the YYYY-MM format, enter the month the title began publication. If the Format is One-Shot, this will auto-fill the End Date as well.

End Date: using the YYYY-MM format, enter the month the title ceased publication. If the Format is One-Shot, this will be auto-filled from the Start Date. If the title is currently being published, choose Active from the dropdown.

Index Status: Choose from the dropdown - Available, In Process, or Complete. Default is set to Available. If you are creating the title to begin indexing, choose In Process.

To Reserve the title for yourself for indexing, click on the Reserve Title button

A prompt will popup to confirm that you want to reserve the title for Indexing.

Choosing Yes will change the Index Status to Reserved and fill your name into the Reserved by field.

Reserving a title locks the title so no other editor will be able to add new stories to the title until the reservation is removed. Administrators can still access the titles without restriction.

To remove a title reservation, click on the Reserve Title button again. A prompt will popup to confirm that you want to remove the reservation.

On the Title Changes tab, if the title has gone by a different name, or changes to a different name, those can be noted here:

When all necessary data has been entered, click Save to finish.


Edit an existing title by searching for It on the Navigator, then double-clicking in the result list to open the Titles Window.

Edit the record in the same manner as you would when entering a new record.

NOTE: Some editing functions can be invoked from other windows. For instance, if you have indexed the final issue of a title, you can mark the title as complete from a Right-Click Menu on the Issues & Stories window.

Behind the scenes, the Index Status will be changed to Complete, the End Date will be filled in based off the final issue indexed, any reservation will be removed, and an Edit History item will be created.

When the Index Status is changed to complete, the Add Stories button will also be disabled.