Classifications & Affiliations searching is a powerful utility which queries the database for data entered on Character and Location records, allowing the user to locate very specific data and statistics.

There are several ways to invoke the Search Classifications window:

 From the Navigator, click the  button located in the Filter Options dropdown on Characters, Groups, Locations, and Items tabs.

Or choose the Character or Location Search options from the Navigator's Filter menu:

On each form there is a Search menu:

On the Characters and Locations forms, there is also a button in the Options dropdown:

Note: These Search windows may take awhile to load, as they are pulling large amounts of data.

Select the  radio button to locate characters who have classifications for ALL items in the above list. Only characters who have all three classifications shown above will appear in the result list.

Select the   radio button to locate characters who have classifications for ANY items in the above list. Characters who have any of the three classifications shown above will appear in the result list.

In this example, we want to locate characters who have Armored AND Normal Human in their classifications, so we'll leave  checked.

Begin typing to filter, or select a Classification or Affiliation from the dropdown:

 Click  to add it to the Search List.

The result list will update in real time when each search term is added or removed.

Adding the second search term narrows the result list further.

You can keep adding more search terms to narrow the result list even more.

To remove a search term or clear the Search List, select the item, then Right Click  and choose your option:

Choosing  will change the results by finding characters who have Armored OR Normal Human in their classifications:

Double-click on a name in the result list to open it in a new window, or click the  button.

View an image by selecting a character and using the Right-Click option:

Open an image gallery of the entire result list by using the Right-Click menu option above or by clicking the  button.

To create a text file report of your search results, click on the down arrow on the Create Report File bar:

Give your report a unique file name:

Click on  to generate the Report file.

Reports will be saved into the Comic Book Index Reports folder in your computer's Documents library.

Clear all Search options and the result list by clicking